Friday 29 July 2011


Hello prostitute.
Okay,today I'm going to tell you something about the day .Ya,it was so great you know,having fun and a good time.Wanna know why ? All because the smk seksyen 5's wangsa maju canteen day,for those yang tak datang,seriously you all rugi.Although it was not great such as the seniors but it's still cool man.And one more thing,2 azam's girls were opening a stall :) yeah ! We sold mcflurry and floats.Sound like great right ? honestly ,it was great .We got many costumers and yang paling penting duit ahhaaha *mercenary* Actually,I tak pernah terfikir yang kitaorang akan dapat ramai customers because kitaorang buat atas dasar nak happy je but seems like we're having a good luck babe .Ya we got many feedback from others people,I mean ,bila I naik tangga sekolah je,mesti ada orang cakap 'weyh,kau punya mcflurry sedap gila'.Hhaha,I am so happy at that moment,sebab dalam beberapa hari tu,kitaorang macam famous jab haha kay im stupid :/ but it still awesome.ada jugak yang cakap 'weyh,kau bukak la kedai mcflurry lepas ni ' haha cam bodoh kan but for me it's cool.Yeah,kalau free nanti maybe kitaorang buat balik.

Oh ya,we all got a profittt :) Rm 340 .for me it's enough.we all had a good time together amd I won't forget this things forever because it's was really fun.That's it kay,enough for today.Boiii