Saturday 14 January 2012

Page 14 of 366

This morning,i went to ze school for 'koko'.I think so --' I am not sure whether 'koko' or 'kokurikulum'.Yeahh,okayokay now forget it,takpenting pun sebenarnya.I reached there on 7.30 am.It was so damn fakk-ing~All my friend didn't come except for Aifa,Sahira and Nana.Wani entah ke manaa,haha.Idk where she is.She told me yesterday that she will come but....susah nak predict this baby girl! Then tadi,masa dah sampai,I stayed with Geng Nurin for a while.Waiting,waiting and waiting....After 15 minutes,I saw Aifa and Sahira came,I shouted! 'Aifa! Reti haa nak datang awal?!'.And Aifa said 'Kau macam takkenal aku' .

The bell rings.So all students buat barisan mengikut 'permainan'.I choose 'bola tampar' because since Nana teach me last year,I felt 'wow!' This is kewl~ . Then,cikgu suruh pergi class 5K but me and nana dengar 5J -.- freakin crazy doh! Aqilah then said, 'eh 5J dekat class 2 azam .Apaa lagi,memang cepatlah aku dengan sahira en.Gila ecxited! actually nak ada jawatan! Haha.Time nak naik tu,tersangatlah ramai.Macam ikan sardin weh! Dengan aku,aku sekali jadi sardin dekat situ.Haish! Lepas dah naik,me and sahira lari.Bila dah sampai en,suddenly Natasya said 'eh korang bola tampar en? bola tampar bukan dekat sini lah.Dekat 5K.Kelas seni last year'. Then both of us keluar dari kelas ! Eh before that,aku,sahira dengan nana yang first masuk class tu,Takpasal majal dekat situ.Nasib baik takda orang! Turun the terus pergi kelas 5K.Masuk masuk je dah ramai --' sampai takda tempat untuk duduk.After that,kitaorang buat pemilihan siapa jadi ketua semualah.

Again,the bell rings! All of us can have a recess.Yay! Actually I am very hungry at that time,Memang seronok lah kan kalau dapat rehat.'K,GILA RAMAI!!!!' This words lah yang ter-keluar bila dah sampai canteen.Haaa aifa pun macam 'okay,tu ramai'.Then we decided to go to the toilet.After then,we went to the canteen to buy something,I mean air milo.Hehe x) so tiut en yuha! 'play more learn more' k cun!.Time nak beli,I saw ayeep! Hihi my boy,he's so cute,Kalau pakai braces lagi tiut~ I asked him for buy me milo too because I am very lazy nak beratur segala~ Dah dapat air,terus diam and minum.Went to the hall and gossipssss-gosipsss dengan Izzati Zaidi! The cute one!

Onmyway pergi class 4Bina,I saw him.K fullstop I saw him tengah duduk dekat dataran wawasan.Damn he's so cute! Hehe :3 .I masuk Pandu Puteri ,same with wani and zati~ kewl en? Haha...Talk talk talk,dancee,main tepuk-tepuk then habissss.Okay look,don't tell anyone about this k.I masuk kelab Agama Islam! Hahah ni lagi kewl doh! Dekat surau,masa nak masuk tu,I saw him again.Awhhh,rupanya dia pun masuk kelab yang sama dengan I.Waaaaaa!

12.30 pm we went home.But im not.Lepakss sekejab dengan aifa and aqil.Makan ice-cream! Talk about everything,tell aifa his name and aqil pasang telinga je weh! Pecah lubang,tapi takpalah,I trust him! Pukul 1.15 baru aku balikkk.........