Thursday 12 January 2012

Hi! Mee shoo tiut~okay perasan.Tomolow me and my fwendzzz stayback sampai pukul 3.Duhh lama tu.From 12.30 till 3 o'clock.Ummmm,we're going to discuss something,I mean study.I don't understand exactly what my teacher teach me in ze class.Like serious,just sesetengah je yang I understand.Idk why,sometimes I talk to myself 'why kau  lembab sangat ni yuha?! ' Yaaa its true.I'm stupid girl! Arghhh! Perhaps I can be better that right now.Ya ya yaa! Wanna study with my all fwendzz~ Aifa,Jiea and maybe Wani too.Know what,they're smart.No lie.Except me.I know who I am.I really do.

Then tadi,I called Wani first and I asked her that if she doesn't mind stayback with me and study.She said that 'maybe she can'.She's not sure because she is going to play 'bola baling'.Actually Izzati ajak dia so dia pun join.In a same time,Wani asked me that if I want to play with her ,so come to the pemilihan but ..... I takpandai main bola baling.I'd tried once but seems like qwertyuiop --' Once the ball came to me,I shouted.I am really scared because the ball is too fast and I can't catch it.So just tanam jelaaa harapan nak main bola baling too.I am shooo tiut en,cumpah tiut! Hahaha .. bytheway wani asked me if ada hw hari ni because she did not come to the school today.Haii wani wani,dah dua kali takdatang ni.Hahaha and masa dalam class tadi,our class teacher asked all the students why she didn't come.Yang taktahan,my class teacher looked at me and I'm just give a smilee.Hahaha ...

After 5 minutes,
I called Aifa and asked her the same question.'Weh aifa,esok stayback nak? Aku nak study and aku nak kau tolong aku pasal math semua.Takfaham doh' Then she said 'Oh aku okay jee,takkisah' Something liddat.I said 'okay then,jumpa esok! '.