Tuesday 3 January 2012

Hi Peopleeee! Um,now lets talk about ze school !Yeah i bet mesti semua taksabar nak pergi sekolah kan ? I know I know.So do I.Okay im freakin scared ~ like seriously,idk why but feel like asdfghjkl.Maybe im too excited and too afraid,because this year im going to take a serious exam .I mean PMR .'wow!' I still can't believe it that im 15 years old ritee now .I wish you can help me hilangkan rasa takut ni.I just takut if I didn't scored well this year and absolutely my parents will be sad and i don't want it happen again and again! Damnnn! And tomolow im going to see him again.fuhh im tired of this thing and i wish that i can forget him .Guess what , now i can forget him ,i mean sikitlah.Its hard actually but I have to,I really have to move on and forget this fak~ Insya-Allah,everything is gonna be okay.

Tomorrow,im going to see all my friends.My dearest nana,wani,jiea,aifa and sahira .I really miss them so much but this time we're not in a same class.This is not kewl seriously.zxcvbnmqwewerr is going like dish.Only me and wani ,and aifa with sahira,nana and izzati zaidi.That's all.We're OVER ! Now i felt regret because I langsung takpandang masa form 2 dulu,i always tell myself that we're a team so that we will always in a same class but now !@#%^&*() Kay go to the :><?"

I already set up my 'azam' and sorry im not going to tell what i wish because its my life and i won't share it anymore,just a few things that I can share with you guys.Not ALL,i'd changed because its an new year and new day.So I changed due the time.